Nfanboy's Super Smash Bros. Brawl clan REVIVED


Del fuego he resurgido...
Nov 26, 2006
Houston Tx.
Wii Online Code
NOTE: I, Axtlar didn't create this clan, it was Nfanboy and this is what he typed:

Mega Smash Bros Club!

When Brawl comes out (I can't wait!) I will have Brawl online battles. Scedualed by ME. Now you can not join this club unless you get nominated by me. Then all of our committie votes to see if you get in. I final the pass into the club. I CAN disaprove you into the club if I feel like your not club material. So I have a few members in mind. Just post here if you want to join and I'll think it over.

Mega Smash Bros Club members:


Nfanboy (Founder and President)
Few1choice (Super Smash member)
Axtlar (Smash Member)


Calvinhedge (member)
Borch712ers (member)
elmo_999 (member)
gouken (member)
Sworn enemeys:

Mystic Gohan (#1 most wanted to die)
Yellow Wii
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  • #4
Shoko said:
lol I'm not a traitor, I'm still in your clan but this guy made this clan first...and I didn't know he was 5 years old..
I am NOT 5!

I DID make this club, and Axtlar, fewfirstchoice, and Samus 101 (Samus 101 is in it now too) are my commanders!

If you want to join, I made another thread to start my clan again (I just found this thread after I made mine)
All of the Brawl Alliance frowns upon you, Axtlar.

:( <--- Yeah, just like that.
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  • #8
Lol Leve, what are you talking about? I joined this before Shoko's.....hey Nfanboy!! long time no see!! so I guess I'm not in this anymore huh? oh never mind, you just said I am a commander...
^Well...I just found out that apparently Im in this clan aswell :shocked: I still have no fricking idea how I made the list.

My guess is that someone snuck into my house, drugged me, hopped onto my computer and signed me up for this clan without me knowing. Bastards!

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