Next Xbox System Gamertag Question


Online Gamer
Oct 18, 2007
Wii Online Code
Well i heard that they are working on the next xbox system! I was wandering if they are going to the the same gamertag thing or if there is going to be something diffrent! Im going to get really mad if we dont get to put our gamertag on the next xbox! I have been racking up lots of points the last couple days and i dont want that work lost! If you have any information please post here with information and by the way i heard that the next system is going to come out in 2009-2010!
what you heard was rumors and nothing more. it wasnt confirmed there will be another xbox in 2009, i think i saw this debunked somewhere but im not sure.

anyways im sure you will keep your gamertag/points/profile/games and it will have backwards compatibility too, full hopefully, so you can keep your rank in your 360 games and still play them and stuff.
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well thanks

I know that this is going to be off topic but who cares:

I think it would be cool if there were a game on the internet that you logged into your Xbox Live Account and you got gamerpoints from that game! I wish i could make a game like this so people wouldn't have to buy live arcade games to get gamer points! i mean i would put a ad in the loading screen so i could make money but that would be how people could make money off the project!

As i said it was off topic!
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They would have to pay microsoft for that. In order to make money to pay microsoft people would have to pay to play it, so either way its the same.
but gamer points are xbox-related therefore defeating the purpose if you get gamer points from an online flash game.

im not real big on gamerpoints, i think their a great idea, and i like getting them to compare with my friends, but i dont play through a game untill i get all 1000. still an awesome concept though.

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