Next Sonic game to be called Sonic Unleashed?

hopefully another game like sonic adventure 1 and 2. Secret rings on wii was also an awesome game but id prefer they revert back to the adventure cuz sonic adventure on dreamcast was an amazing game. Also, i hope they stop trying to force shadow into the storylines where he doesnt belong and please, no more shadow the hedgehog games.
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Dorkfish said:
Yes grandpa, I know that catfish was huge. What? YOUR GIVING ME YOUR PRIZED DEER HEADS??? schweet...

Bah, i think everyone wants to get rid of the adventure style gameplay.
GigaRidley said:
Hopefully this signals the triumphant return of the Chemical Plant Zone, I loved the music for that stage.

I say bring back sonic boom.

Dark botherhood for ds and unleashed for consoles..please get it right.
sonic on wii

sooo is sonic unleashed going to be on the wii cus i herd that its just for the 360 and ps3

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