Next game


Jack Krauser=God
Jul 15, 2007
St.Helens, UK
Ok so next month im getting my wii and zelda for my birthday but i want to decide what game to get next we are talking a good 1-3 months before i get my next game so can u guys help me out, the ones im most intrested in are:
Super paper mario/Super mario galaxy/Super Smash Bros and Mario party 8

They seem like the good ones coming out, i dont know if they come out in the next 1-3 months but im guessing somewhere along those lines:lol: Thanks
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None of which im really bothered about, i was thinking RE4 but it doesnt seem my kinda game and the other 2 seem boring
Super mario strikers charged definitely will not be boring. If you have played the first one and you didnt like it i can see why it would be, but i mean, it has wifi. And the people who live in the UK say its great. I would also definitely buy super smash bros. brawl, but it doesn't come out till 12/3/07. You'll have to wait a while on that one. Galaxy looks good too, and i don't know about the others.
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Tbh the best ones to me seem super mario galaxy and Super mario paper can any1 tell me out of them looks to be the most promising?
FPS Games get Resident Evil, its fun bloody, somewhat scary, and fun
Super Smash Bros Brawl, going to be the best wii game for me.
Super paper Mario- Fun but kinda easy too beat.
Strikers- havent played yet.

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