NEWSFLASH: Wii to have 32GB available for save data


WiiChat Member
Sep 14, 2006
NEWSFLASH: Wii to have 32GB available for data storage

I'm too new here to post this in the NEWS forum but I thought I'd post here, anyway, because people should be aware that the 20GB HDD for the xbox360 and tardbox PS3 will QUICKLY be surpassed by the Nintendo Wii's capability to store 32GB of data!! It's true. This is because Nintendo had the forsight to use faster SD memory instead of HDD. "Secure Digital was forced to create a new specification for SDHC cards when the previous specification topped out at a capacity of 2GB. This occurred previously when SD cards hit the 512MB wall. The new 2.00 specification should last a bit longer, as it allows SDHC cards to reach a maximum capacity of 32GB." This is quoted from: . So, yeah, I don't know if you heard it here 1st but your Nintendo Wii will be capable of 32GB (and possibly more) for storage in the not so distant once these cards are available for purchase. Of course, the largest SD card currently on the market are the 4GB with the 8GB coming soon. Personally, I plan to have either the 4GB or 8GB, in hand, on the day I purchase my wii.

--- the Bus
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ooh very nice find :)

Must admit im not really too clued up on the memory card technology, i'll have a read.
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Start with the wikipedia...that's the point I launched from regarding this piece of info. It's just something I think people should be aware of when they're comparing the Wii with the 360 and PS3. And, yeah, SD is hell've faster than HDD. BTW: I wanted to post this in the news forum but wasna allowed...I know I've gotta earn the user privvy to be able to do so in the future but, if you wouldn't mind, I would appriciate it if you moved this thread to the news forum.

thx, cBus
Wow. I would need to buy a lot of games to fill up 32 GB. Probably spend enough money to buy an actual xbox 360. Well... i suppose this puts my gamecube's 4 mb memory card to shame, don't it.
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The Wii has 512MB of memory, Sovieto, but it accepts SECURE DIGITAL memory cards for memory expansion. Right now, you can buy 4GB SD cards with 8GB SD cards becoming available soon. This means: if the Wii were released TODAY you could have total of 4.5GB of available memory, however, the SDAssociation (trade group) has released spec for 32GB SD memory cards...which, could possibly be on the market as early as sometime in 2007. Of course, MS could release a 40GB hard drive for the 360 by then too... The point of this was to let people know that they're not going to be limited with the 4GB SD cards that are currently available during the lifetime of their Wii.
Oh, I see, so its just about the memory cards, well im willing to invest in a nice big memory card that will last me forever
yeah you can get pretty big SD cards now, they cost a pretty penny of course but are so much faster than the normal HDD, of course it has been said you can get a USB hard drive which means the possibilities are endless with those, I think Bestbuy had a 160 gb usb drive rather affordable, so in other words you can already get more storage than the 360 and ps3 come with right off the shelf.
32GB is pretty big and have you seem the micro-SD? They are so small!
Imagine in the future where we'll use flashcard technology instead of Hard drive as our main PC storage. It'll be a lot faster and last a lot longer.
Evi1d33d said:
32GB is pretty big and have you seem the micro-SD? They are so small!
Imagine in the future where we'll use flashcard technology instead of Hard drive as our main PC storage. It'll be a lot faster and last a lot longer.
Silly person, this is the future.
Holy Shirt. I thought like 4gig was max! Ive got 4gig and i think i will stay with it cause i reckon this 32gig one will cost like.....$200+ AUS
Will the Wii support these new 32GB SDs? I bet they're going to cost a fortune when they first come out. But the good side is that the smaller ones will get cheaper!

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