newbie...Wii questions...


WiiChat Member
Dec 31, 2007
OK, I am a 45 year old....wanted the Wii because it easier to operate than a 15 finger/toe console....and it is!!.......I got the Wii play for the extra remote, but am frustrated with the pay of it...I must be missing something because I cannot go directly to the runs me in sequence through the games when I start it up....sorry but I don't care about matching up Mii's (what are these anyway!!)...and making them dance...just want to play pool or ping there a way around that?? if not, then the game is useless to me......I finally found a TW 08.....very fun!...I golf in real life, and find it pretty amusing so far..the wife does not like it...she prefers the simple game that came with the console.....I have to work on her........question on there a way I can play the computer pro's?? It says I have to beat them to get a trophy or something....not a biggie, but I would like to play my dude against them, not play both sides........thanks!...I am sure that I will have more questions as I go........these forums are a big help....I am NOT a gamer, so if the questions seem simple....I am sorry for that....thanks!
You need to play every game once to unlock the next one. Then all of them will be unlocked forever
I think you need to create a Mii and choose them to play with. The purpose of the Mii is to keep a history of play. Example if when you are playing Tennis you keep using a guest you will get better but your computer opponent will not, so it will not be as challenging. If you create a Mii and choose use them to play with then the computer knows how much experience you have and makes the computer opponent a suitable challenge for you.

I have only played the Wii play once but I think that if you are using a guest Mii then you will have to unlock the games each time you play. Try using a Mii you have created and see if the games stay unlocked.
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thanks...didnt understand the Mii, now I do and created I understand why as guest I kept getting save issue messages....thank you....I think I found the tiger woods play computer option as well....but anyone who knows, please let me know....thanks

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