Newbie here!

Welcome to the forums, FishHead. =) When I get my Wii fixed in (hopefully) a few weeks, I'll be sure to throw my Brawl FC your way. ;D
It got old. :lol: Stopped reading any and all games one day. I'd say it was from all that Brawl-playing that must of really worn out the drive, with it being a dual-layered disc 'n all,
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I think that happened to my friend so now he can't play any of his gamesXD
Yep, it happens to a lot of people. 'Least Nintendo's repair service is ridiculously better than a certain company's which is owned by Bill Gates... ¬_¬ I've got my fair share of console problems in the past year, lol.

Interesting avatar, by the by. ;)
Of course it was a compliment. If ya haven't noticed, my own avatar is a beast of the sea. :p

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