Newbie from the city of Perfection!


WiiChat Member
Jan 21, 2008
Hello there guys, I just wanted to introduce myself.

My name is Brian and I have a problem.

(Everybody: Hello Brian)

I'm addicted to the Wii....and I haven't even played a single online game! Seeing as the Wii is more of an online community than just a gaming system that allows you to play online games, I thought I'd start out by checking out this site and seeing if I can unleash the true potential of the Wii.

I look forward to becoming a part of the community here and hopefully can add some fun to it.

Talk to you soon!
Where is this perfect city you speak of?!

Welcome, anyways.
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Trulen said:
Where is this perfect city you speak of?!

Welcome, anyways.

I live just outside of Boston.

(perfect city due to the New England Patriots...just a way to say I'm a fan of the Pats)
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261311 said:
Boston? God, and that's why you're a newbie.

Welcome Brian <_<

Ya know what's funny?

I've had a Wii since before Christmas of last year...and I never really got into it until recently. I played Wii Sports and thought it was fun...but didn't really bother buying any other games (I purchased it right before I moved...and then it got packed away for a while until the new entertainment area got finished). Now I'm hooked!

I currently have:

Wii Sports
Legend of Zelda
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games
Madden '08
Tiger Woods '08
Super Mario Galaxy

I also have Mario Strikers Charged ordered and waiting for it to be delivered.
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pro gamer said:
thats a long time. and how is boston a perfect city?

I didn't say that Boston was a perfect city...I was saying that I am from the city of perfection (and I said that I lived outside of Boston).

The Patriots have a Perfect season...thus far...and I am from, where the Pats are from.
WDWFreak53 said:
I live just outside of Boston.

(perfect city due to the New England Patriots...just a way to say I'm a fan of the Pats)

Man, I'm new to this board and I already found my rival! Dang! this board got everything!!!!!
And just to let you know about my opinion, the patriots are gunna win pro bowl cause there playing the NY Giants..and I HATE the Pats, I'm a steelers guy, and ever since I knew about football I never put ROTH on my BURGER, so I always have Roethlisburgers lol
But I'm serious!
And I hate the city, I wanna move, as you can see, I am a very picky person:wink:
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Pokematto said:
Man, I'm new to this board and I already found my rival! Dang! this board got everything!!!!!
And just to let you know about my opinion, the patriots are gunna win pro bowl cause there playing the NY Giants..and I HATE the Pats, I'm a steelers guy, and ever since I knew about football I never put ROTH on my BURGER, so I always have Roethlisburgers lol
But I'm serious!
And I hate the city, I wanna move, as you can see, I am a very picky person:wink:

Hehe, a rival...but it's all in good fun :)

The only teams that I really don't like are the Chargers (mainly just LT though), the Jets (for obvious reasons), and Oakland (never liked them).

Are you a Pirates guy or a Phillies guy?

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