Hello peeps..
I recently leaped back into the gaming world so to speak.. I dont know why but I just suddenly wanted to play some video games and well thats lead to me getting an Wii & Xbox 360
I've got around 4 Wii games right off the bat, only had it about a week now, and the Xbox 360 well dont even ask somwhere around 100+ and I've only had that a couple of months.. I buy things on impulse and have to much stuff and way to many hobbies..
Aside from gaming I am an RC Freak.. If it flies, drives, floats sails I have it or have had it.. Currently I have 2 1/5 Hpi Baja's, 3 Hpi Savages, XTM Mammoth, Hpi Blitz, Kyosho Cart. Losi Mini Rock Crawler, Losi Mini LST, Hpi Rs4 Flux, Traxxas 1/16 Mini E Revo, Century Hawk Sport "heli", a few planes, and a boat or two..
I also enjoy building 1/24 scale plastic car models..
Looking forward to meeting cool gamer addicted people and share some cool games..
I recently leaped back into the gaming world so to speak.. I dont know why but I just suddenly wanted to play some video games and well thats lead to me getting an Wii & Xbox 360
I've got around 4 Wii games right off the bat, only had it about a week now, and the Xbox 360 well dont even ask somwhere around 100+ and I've only had that a couple of months.. I buy things on impulse and have to much stuff and way to many hobbies..
Aside from gaming I am an RC Freak.. If it flies, drives, floats sails I have it or have had it.. Currently I have 2 1/5 Hpi Baja's, 3 Hpi Savages, XTM Mammoth, Hpi Blitz, Kyosho Cart. Losi Mini Rock Crawler, Losi Mini LST, Hpi Rs4 Flux, Traxxas 1/16 Mini E Revo, Century Hawk Sport "heli", a few planes, and a boat or two..
I also enjoy building 1/24 scale plastic car models..
Looking forward to meeting cool gamer addicted people and share some cool games..