THQ has today released new screenshots and details about the character classes in the forthcoming Wii game, WWE Allstars. The game features four unique and power-packed character classes: Acrobats, Big Men, Brawlers and Grapplers. Each class has unique strengths, advantages and techniques, including killer combos.
The Acrobat class features lightning-fast high-fliers who excel in aerial moves. They’re spectacular performers, if not particularly durable. WWE Superstars Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston and John Morrison, and WWE Legends “Macho Man” Randy Savage and Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat are all examples of the Acrobat Class in WWE Allstars.

The Big Man class features very tall wrestlers who literally tower over their opponents. They can send you flying out of the ring or bounce you off the ropes like a toy, and they can also charge up powerful strikes and save them for later, as well as having the ability to stomp the ground to send a downed opponent flying helplessly into the air. As strong as they are, they are very slow movers, however, which can put them at a disadvantage. WWE Legend Andre the Giant and WWE Superstar Big Show are both examples of the Big Man class in WWE Allstars.
The Grappler class is all about great in-ring technicians and masters of submissions. A Grappler can chain together grapple attacks, one after another, leading to overwhelming combos. They can also abruptly end a match by pinning their opponents from a variety of positions. Their increased grappling skill comes at the cost of their striking abilities, however. Examples of Grapplers in WWE Allstars include WWE Legend and Hall of Famer Bret “Hit Man” Hart and WWE Superstar Triple H.
The Brawler class is an unruly bunch who are masters of striking and stringing together powerful combos. These are the men who will stomp a mudhole in their opponents and walk it dry! They possess a variety of combo attacks from both striking and grappling positions. With an increased range on their strikes, the Grappler is the most balanced class to play in WWE Allstars. Examples of Brawlers in WWE Allstars include WWE Legends Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior, as well as WWE Superstars John Cena, Randy Orton and Sheamus.
WWE Allstars is due to be released for Wii on April 1, 2011.