New WiiU controller on the way?


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code

It was seen in a recent advert for a WiiU Mario kart 8 bundleru, it was blurred out
i dont think this will help much....

it might cut costs for nintendo so that good maybe will let them lower the price on wiiU maybe add a harddrive...for 250....might do good next christmas with zelda.
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Well its been a few years since the WiiU has come out, and tech gets smaller and cheaper, I still think they should of used the 3DS for the screen part of the controller.
I thought it was fake.

You know how commercials just post edit the gameplay on the screens, could be the same.
I don't know, I'm no effects guy.

I like the current gamepad as is. Very comfortable. Just needs a way bigger battery life.
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Thing is, since the WiiU came out multi touch screens have become the norm, the WiiUs is only single touch (same with the 3DS)
If they added that and make games that require that feature, wouldn't that just screw over people who have the older ones?
If they do add multi touch and make games that don't require that, then it's kinda wasted. Some people may have a slight disadvantage over those who do. (C-Nub on NEW 3DS in Smash for example)
Not against it, but it has to be really worth while.

I did hear they were partnering up with Sharp to make LCD screens for future tech so...
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Who knows. history has been full of blunders and forgotten tech
My Wii Remote started to endlessly flash in this pattern where the fourth bulb will flash and shift back to the first bulb. I've tried syncing it, changing/taking out the batteries, and resetting the console but all have had no effect... so don't know about those remotes...

Lucky Patcher 9Apps VidMate
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