new Wii colors


Banned.....You Wish!
Jul 20, 2006
Wii Online Code
okay, will be selling cases next year wich will alow you to have a wii of a different color,i don't know what colors they'll have except for black,you'll be able o take the out side cover off and put these new ones on.
p.s. pleasee dont pms on me if you dont like the idea.
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yes i realize that,but there are people on here who are like "oooooh i wan't a black wii"
ocdan said:
except if you are removing the body you would be most likely voiding the warranty on your wii

Yeah, most likely, but anyways sounds cool:thumbsup:
Y0SH1 X said:
Yeah, most likely, but anyways sounds cool:thumbsup:
not most like ly definitley but yeah i agree sounds super cool but i like the white but i might get black just because its so sleek:ihih:
wii love gamin said:
not most like ly definitley but yeah i agree sounds super cool but i like the white but i might get black just because its so sleek:ihih:

yeah, the black seems pretty sweet, i'll probably end up getting one:D

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