New to Wii chat and searching for a Wii for now


WiiChat Member
Jan 16, 2008
Maple Grove, MN
Hi my name is Matt.
I am a freelance concept artist/character designer.

I am came across these forums while in search for the Wii, and figured it would be nice to have a place to chat that is a non-art forum.

I am currently in search of a Wii, although I might've found a solution to my problem but it'll take some persistence and patience, which I have no problem with.

Hopefully while I am posting here, I will find out more about the games for the Wii, and maybe find some future Wii people to play online with.

Welcome to Wiichat! Call me Twizdid, Or Twiz. If you need any help, Feel free to PM me.
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  • #6
Wow! I typically don't receive this warm of a welcome at some of the forums I post at...
Many thanks for the overly warm welcome, and maybe in the far future I will have a chance to go online and play some Wii games with some of you.

Thank you once more!


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