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WiiChat Member
Sep 6, 2006
Hello all, I'm a mid twenties gamer, but really, an all around Nintendo fan. Not hardcore or anything, but I really admire the company, the innovations in technology, and Nintendo's vision of uniting gamers, young and old and everyone in between. My wife doesn't really get it, she feels that men just have to have their toys - some guys go for motorcycles, fast cars, sports, or guys like me, when I actually have some free time, I like to fire up games. And believe me, I do not have much free time. I play the SNES on an occasion, about once a week - woohoo! Well so that's me, I consider myself a gamer, my wife says I'm not. Sigh.....Fellow forum members, I AM a GAMER.

Zelda is my all time favorite
Mario rocks

And well I'm done with this post, I'd like to see what the rest of you all have to say. Drop me a line sometime.
Hey & Welcome:)

So r u going to have time to post here "on occasion"?:lol:
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Found time to post

LoL, thanks all for the welcoming - Glad to be on here with some other gamers, yep I'll find time to post -amid my hectic schedule, well truthfully it's not that hectic, but I'm newly married, almost a year now!!!, just work full time and have some many things to take care of when I'm not working, I barely have time to just relax and chill out. So I post when I can. And right now, I can.

Ok so guys/gals check this out. My wife and I have a difference of opinion. I was given an XBOX with just about 20 games from my brother in law. He just didn't want it anymore and just gave it to me. Well I'm Nintendo Hardcore, but I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth so I gladly took the gift. Now here it is a year later, and I barely touch the system. It's just collecting dust, now I figure, well if I don't use the stuff, why dont' I just trade the XBOX and all games into my local EB Games store and get in store credit to use to buy the Wii when I'm ready. But WAIT! My wife goes on to tell me she thinks it's foolish and immature to stoop to that level....Whhhhaaaatt???!!! I ask her to explain. She is of the opinion that game stores just rip us gamers off when we trade in our stuff - now I know you end up getting much less out of what you trade in than what you paid for it, but remember, I got all this XBOX stuff for FREE!...But no, she'd rather us just save the cash and get the Wii in that manner. Now we make decent money and can easily afford a Wii...but why not get rid of something I don't use and get some credit towards the Wii, which I will use. Now it's ok if you agree with her or vice versa.....just let me know what you all think. Thanks! and be nice about my wife :-D
JHardin1112 said:
LoL, thanks all for the welcoming - Glad to be on here with some other gamers, yep I'll find time to post -amid my hectic schedule, well truthfully it's not that hectic, but I'm newly married, almost a year now!!!, just work full time and have some many things to take care of when I'm not working, I barely have time to just relax and chill out. So I post when I can. And right now, I can.

Ok so guys/gals check this out. My wife and I have a difference of opinion. I was given an XBOX with just about 20 games from my brother in law. He just didn't want it anymore and just gave it to me. Well I'm Nintendo Hardcore, but I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth so I gladly took the gift. Now here it is a year later, and I barely touch the system. It's just collecting dust, now I figure, well if I don't use the stuff, why dont' I just trade the XBOX and all games into my local EB Games store and get in store credit to use to buy the Wii when I'm ready. But WAIT! My wife goes on to tell me she thinks it's foolish and immature to stoop to that level....Whhhhaaaatt???!!! I ask her to explain. She is of the opinion that game stores just rip us gamers off when we trade in our stuff - now I know you end up getting much less out of what you trade in than what you paid for it, but remember, I got all this XBOX stuff for FREE!...But no, she'd rather us just save the cash and get the Wii in that manner. Now we make decent money and can easily afford a Wii...but why not get rid of something I don't use and get some credit towards the Wii, which I will use. Now it's ok if you agree with her or vice versa.....just let me know what you all think. Thanks! and be nice about my wife :-D
:lol: She sounds nice:) not kidding, i'm sure she's nice:)

Don't worry, it's the oposite sex's job to argue:lol: I agree w/ u, if u got $150 or more worth of video game junk that u don't want, sell it towards the next thing u want to buy. Hurry! Go to Gamestop/EB Games/Local Gaming store & sell it man!
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ssbb_lover said:
:lol: She sounds nice:) not kidding, i'm sure she's nice:)

Don't worry, it's the oposite sex's job to argue:lol: I agree w/ u, if u got $150 or more worth of video game junk that u don't want, sell it towards the next thing u want to buy. Hurry! Go to Gamestop/EB Games/Local Gaming store & sell it man!

If only it were that easy! LOL, it's not really just my XBOX unfortunately, see I didn't mention b4, but she plays it as much as I it's really OURS. And so therefore, I have to consider her thoughts on it just like she has to consider mine.....but I'm not feeling like there is much considering coming from her end - lol! j.k. :-D. So yea, I guess she just wants to spend cold hard cash on it, which is fine in the end, so long as I finally get my hands on that Wii.

Now, check this out, she also at first was intrigued by the idea of the Wii, she too thought it was very innovative. But after she asked me questions about it and I gave her what I thought were appropriate answers...she now thinks it's no big deal. She thinks that if the system is smart enough to recognize movements i.e. - golfing, swinging a sword, etc...all things we do while holding the controller, that the Wii should be able to register foot, or leg movements....Umm....what?! Come on, why can't she just be impressed with what is being presented to us and stop saying it's not impressive enough?!!!!! When I try to explain it to her, I get hyped up like the Nintendo Fanboy(man) I am - hahah - so she typically just loses interest in the topic....but I keep telling her that if she gave the Wii half a chance, she'd actually be really impressed and probably eager to give it a try one day. Oh well, until that day, I shall continue to game alone. Oh wait, lemme correct myself, she'll play Pinball on the XBOX with me...THAT'S IT! nothing else.....LOL! Oh man, oh wait one other thing....I feel bad because sometimes I make it sound like I wish she was into games like me, but the truth is, if I had wanted that, I wouldn't have married her. So even though she will never read this and I tell her this personally when it comes up - Hun, I wouldn't change anything about you - you non gamer non geek wife of mine - Ok everyone, this geek is outta here.
Cya man:lol:

I guess it's hard to have to consider both ur's and ur wife's decisions on something before making something final:) Well I hope everything works out for u in the end:D

Btw, tell ur wife one of ur geek friends says that u can't expect to much out of a console, u only get wut u get. If u want more u got to wait (for the next gen that is).:)

I'm adding u to my friends list.:)
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ssbb_lover said:
Cya man:lol:

I guess it's hard to have to consider both ur's and ur wife's decisions on something before making something final:) Well I hope everything works out for u in the end:D

Btw, tell ur wife one of ur geek friends says that u can't expect to much out of a console, u only get wut u get. If u want more u got to wait (for the next gen that is).:)

I'm adding u to my friends list.:)

Well according to our conversation last night, she makes it sound as though she might actually buy it for me as a gift one day. Now the tricky part is, something more important always comes up - lol, such is life I must admit.

I'll say this though, I hope one day when I have a son or daughter, that we can play games together on the Wii or the next gen console - here's to hoping. Alright well thanks for the add, I need to get back to work here. I'll post some more later on.
U'r very much welcome:D

Not to get too personal, but wut do u do for ur job? If u don't want to say, wut area is ur work in?
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