New to group.


WiiChat Member
Mar 10, 2011
LoL Howdy ya'll.. LoL Just wanted to say that since I am from Kentucky..My name is Melissa I am a stay at home mom to 3 wonderful kids..No Im not horriably old or anything..I am 26. I love playing Animal crossing. I have it for my ds and the wii. It's one of my favorite games..I dont have any neighbors I can visit and would love to get some cause without them the game gets alittle boring. Not so boring I stop playing but alittle boring to where I cat nap when I play.. So if you wanna add me send me a message I will send you my friend code..
I have animal crossing for the DS, at the moment though i dont know my code and i dont get the game..... what is the point of it ??

Anyway, welcome to WiiCh@..... heh hehe

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