New to all this...


WiiChat Member
Mar 24, 2009
Ok...I have the Wii what? I really am new to this ( and dont know what I am doing..haha) me..anyone. How can I send messages and my Mii to a friend..what is the friend code????

hey, my name is craig, also nown as carrots as you can se. im reletively new to this wii chat but have been playing online with my wii for a few months now. i am finding it really good i only have one game wich i play online and thats cod waw. to become friends with somebody you have to give them your friend code and vice versa. you will find this on ur adress book. to send a mii u go on the mii chanel and click on send mii, u have to have people in ur adress book though hope thats a help anyway wb craig.

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