New Super Mario Bros. Fastest Selling Wii Game Ever In Japan-1.052009-12-07 20:09:20Maura SJapanese gaming news website Andriasang is reporting that New Super Mario Bros. racked up an astonishing 936, 734 first week sales in Japan, completely trouncing Smash Bros. Brawl’s first week sales of 816, 000 back in January 2008, and therefore making it the fastest selling Wii game ever in Japan. Aside from Smash Bros. Brawl and now New Super Mario Bros., Andriasang points out that only Mario Kart Wii and Monster Hunter 3 managed to sell over 500,000 copies in their first week in Japan. Even more impressively, MCV has also reported today that New Super Mario Bros. Wii has even beaten the first week sales of New Super Mario Bros. DS, which came in at 900, 000. Figures for the rest of the world haven’t emerged yet, but the game has already topped the Wii charts in the US and the UK, so it’s looking good all round for Mario and Luigi!