New Social Group - UD (Urban Domination)


Urban Domination Founder
Jul 1, 2010
Wii Online Code
RD/Zilla has created a new social group called "UD (Urban Domination)", with the following description:

UD UrbanDomination!

We are a clan of power and respect.

Come to to join!!!

Say "Hello" to the new clan of 2010, UD (Urban Domination). This maybe the most respectful clan out there. We go by the old saying, "Give respect to get respect." There are no other clan out there that give as much respect as we do.
We are based on five things; RESPECT (Main Factor), Skill, Tactic, Teamwork, and Domination.
While other clans cheat to get their way to the top like noobtubing, and hacking we do it the old fashion way. We EARN the right to be called, "a real solider." And you know what the good part is, there are no K/D ratio requirement or useless tryouts.
Now that we have told you what we are all about, join us by creating your own profile. After you have done that, click on Chat to go to our chat room. If one of the UD Admin is online they will confirm you as a member on chat. Then you tell us what email you used for your profile so we can confirm your profile on the website. Then, YOUR IN!!!
But if no one is online, please leave us a message in the "Contact Us" tab or send an email to the MWR & WAW Clan Leader, UD/Zilla ( telling him the you have signed up for UD and he will get back to you as soon as he can.

To join this group visit the social groups homepage where this new group will be listed.

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