Some of you might have saw this official trailer for the upcoming kirby game but some of you havn't. Heres a link to the trailer and images of the game. When you click on the link for the trailer it wont bring you streight to the movie, so click on "Whatch Now" button then on the left theres another button you have to click to actualy start watching it.
Release Date: (somtime in 2007)
Platform: Originaly was going to be for gamecube but started from scratch on making it for the wii.
Title: Kirby (there is some rumors saying that it will be called "Kirby Wii" for some reason.)
Official Kirby Trailer
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Before nintendo said they droped the game but a conference in 2006 announced that they are remaking it for the wii. This is all i basicly know, but if anyone knows anything else then post it.
Release Date: (somtime in 2007)
Platform: Originaly was going to be for gamecube but started from scratch on making it for the wii.
Title: Kirby (there is some rumors saying that it will be called "Kirby Wii" for some reason.)
Official Kirby Trailer
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Before nintendo said they droped the game but a conference in 2006 announced that they are remaking it for the wii. This is all i basicly know, but if anyone knows anything else then post it.