New in the forum


WiiChat Member
Mar 22, 2008

My wife and I bought a Wii about a year ago and have loved it ever since. We swore we wouldn't buy a video game system because they waste so much time that could be spent as a family, but the Wii makes game time=family time! That's what we love about it.

I am interested in finding out about getting the update to Adobe Flashplayer to at least version 8-does anyone know when that will come out? It would be a great way for us to watch Lost on our big tv instead of the little computer screen when we miss an episode...just a thought Nintendo!

I'm sure I'll read many of your posts soon...

The Wii is great for Family time, my family interferes with my playing sometimes.

They all want to play Tennis, and I want to play Metroid Prime 3 or Zelda.

Welcome to WiiChat though, hopefully I do see you around.
A fan of the wii AND Lost? We hooked a big one here, guys.

As of now we've got no word on an update to the internet's flash player, and I wouldn't expect one. I'm sure you'll have fun, nonetheless.

Welcome to WiiChat, we all hope you enjoy a long and satisfying stay.

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