New Here


WiiChat Member
Feb 3, 2008
Hi. My name is Misty and I'm new here. I have been playing Nintendo products since the Nintendo came out. I'm alway looking for more info like when new items are released. My family and I are all into gaming, we have owned most of the systems that have come out. Currently we have:

Nintendo DS(currently sent back to Nintendo for repairs)
Game boy Color
Gameboy advance
Playstation 1 and 2
Sega dreamcast
3 computers

I have five kids which are 3, 4, 7, 8 and 12. They all like to play games. The smaller ones have a v-smile pocket and a v-flash. Well I'm not sure what else to add to my intro. Misty
Welcome !! I'm sure you will enjoy your stay. Make sure to read the forum rules, before posting or editing your profile :) Link
LOL no not at all :) Telling new comers to read the rules is just a normal thing around here. Have fun, and I'm sure you will get to know most of us all in good time :yesnod:

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