New Gamer Girl From The US


WiiChat Member
Mar 17, 2012
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hey everyone my name is kayla and i am wording if call of duty mw3 is as good as it is on xbox 360....i used to play it none stop but then i traded in my xbox 360 for a wii and now i have no friends to play with and i am starting to think that....that was a bad idea! so plz help me out!
Welcome to Wiichat, Kayla. Hope ya enjoy the forums. :thumbsup:

I haven't played MW3 on the Wii or my 360, and I can't say I want to, but I doubt the experiences are all-that different. The only major difference I know is that the Wii version lacks killcam, IIRC, and no mics (no annoying whiny randoms, but no cooperative effort with friends...). Well that, and the controller differences.
Wii version has mics, Classic Control Pro, wiiremote+nunchuk, Wii Zapper support. Wii version lacks killcams, splitscreen, certain assault/support streaks, Spec ops missions. Wii version also lacks any and all DLC relating to map packs (We do get patches though) and the obvious visual differences.

I might be forgetting things but as Karp Mod's basically the same ****.
Oh and btw welcome to Wiichat! ;D
well its seems pretty good tho i play call of duty reflex

actually the new modern warfare 3 does have a mic where u can talk in multiplayer
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I also had the 360 And I MISS IT.. lol This is my husbands account on here but I seriously need somebody to run around with on the game If you still have it send me your ally code.
hi ky idk about mw3 good or not but i will try the game soon so i will tell u after i try it :yesnod:

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