new game and attachment rumoured


Jul 29, 2006
Wii Online Code
ok this is only a rumour from go nintendo

"Man, you think after riding the Nintendo hype train all day today, we would be ready to return to our homes! Well I am here to offer you your next stop on this train, its final destination being IGN, due to arrive sometime tomorrow.

Posted over at NeoGAF, word is spreading on the IGN Boards that none other then Matt Casamassina was visiting the IGN Chat rooms. Apparently he told people to keep a watch on IGN Wii tomorrow. They will be showing off a new Wii game, and a new attachment as well. He also made the point of saying that the game is nothing that will floor you, and it is something that’s “expected”.

I wasn’t in the chat, I don’t have any screen proof of the chat, and I don’t know if anyone does. This will stay rumor until IGN posts this info, or we have some screens of the chat as proof.

You have been given a choice. Jump aboard the hype train once again, or hang back this time. Unfortunately I have no choice but to ride this train, gotta see where we arrive at the end! Feel free to post your title speculation below. Winner gets…a…ummm…sense of satisfaction?!"

To me personally i think the game will be mario kart and a steering wheel what do you think?

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im preety confident on the steerinf wheel becasue what other attachments are there?
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well the new game and attachments dont necessarlly have to be related
Man that is a really exciting rumor. Thank god it's Friday, I'll be hoping to catch the news (if it's real) sometime today or tomorrow.
I predict the steering wheel. Or the arm cannon for metroid. Maybe a tennis racket or a glove? I think some sort of pole would help with games likle golf and in sword fights.
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i have slways hated steering wheel attachments because you cant just hold them but this one seems very promising
cool! but I think i'd rather flip the wiimote 90 degrees and race like that. I think it would be less bulky and more enjoyable. Also what the hell GT Pro doesnt even have online support!
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Sam_Harris said:
ok this is only a rumour from go nintendo

"Man, you think after riding the Nintendo hype train all day today, we would be ready to return to our homes! Well I am here to offer you your next stop on this train, its final destination being IGN, due to arrive sometime tomorrow.

Posted over at NeoGAF, word is spreading on the IGN Boards that none other then Matt Casamassina was visiting the IGN Chat rooms. Apparently he told people to keep a watch on IGN Wii tomorrow. They will be showing off a new Wii game, and a new attachment as well. He also made the point of saying that the game is nothing that will floor you, and it is something that’s “expected”.

I wasn’t in the chat, I don’t have any screen proof of the chat, and I don’t know if anyone does. This will stay rumor until IGN posts this info, or we have some screens of the chat as proof.

You have been given a choice. Jump aboard the hype train once again, or hang back this time. Unfortunately I have no choice but to ride this train, gotta see where we arrive at the end! Feel free to post your title speculation below. Winner gets…a…ummm…sense of satisfaction?!"

To me personally i think the game will be mario kart and a steering wheel what do you think?


A steering wheel ha already been confirmed by ubisoft.

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