New DS upgrade

I highly doubt it, it seems more babble than anything else, plus there's no pictures.
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once again this is a rumor,just thought u all may like to know .
psychono2 said:
once again this is a rumor,just thought u all may like to know .

Thing is, I can even make a rumor upon Gears of War coming out on the PsP, and there will be a ton of internet hype for it.
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yes,whatever give me crap about news i try to post.
This sounds intresting, and I have an original DS and hoping for a DS Lite for christmas. And now there might be another one! 0_0
psychono2 said:
yes,whatever give me crap about news i try to post.

It's not about giving you crap, it's about you posting news that doesn't have enough source to prove it to be accurate.
lordsknightn said:
who really cares, i have a normal s and i dont care if people have a ds lite because there basicaly the same thing

Actually I have both, and trust me the DS Lite is a better system over all. The old DS looks too big and blocky, which makes it look really ugly. The DS Lite is smaller, the screens are wider and brighter. The DS Lite even has a better lithium battery than it's older model. Since you are in the Illinois area, if you ever happen to go to an Elmwood Park Illinois Gamecrazy look for me and I can actually show you the significant difference between the two.
I know that normal DS are basically the same thing as a DS Lite because they are both capable of the same things. But the thing is the DS compared to Lite looks like a brick, whereas the Lite is sleek and sexy including the cool logo on the front. Plus it is much smaller and lighter, and the most best thing about the Lite is the screens you can have it really bright which makes the colours stand out more and improves the graphics slightly. The last thing I'd point out about it is that I much prefer the stylus it is longer and thicker which makes it better to hold and use for games that use the touchscreen. Anyway enough said, now you must be able to see why I want to get a DS Lite. :cool:
lordsknightn said:
would it be worth selling my ds and paying $50 MORE

Yes it will, and if you go to my job, I'll hook you up with the trade in. Just PM me or IM me for details.

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