New & Confused on 2 games - Help?


WiiChat Member
Nov 5, 2007
I got my husband Zelda Twilight Princess for the Wii for our anniversary coming up - now I feel sickly that I did (??) I have read a bzillion websites giving rating anywhere from 4 - almost a 10. Here is my problem - I also read about Zack & Wiki - and it got great reviews. He loved zelda on our n64 - but the thing we love about the Wii is the unique use of the remote. I read that Zack & Wiki get full use of the remote while zelda was really a game meant for a different playing system so it isn't as functional. Can you all give me advice as I am so upset that maybe I should have gotten him zack & wiki thinking it would be more fun using the wii remote?

Help! Our anniv is tomorrow so I either have to stick to my decision or run out yet today and exchange.

Thank you SO much for all advice/comments on each game.

Oh - and if this helps I am only looking for which to get first.....eventually we would get the other....
well you get wii sports with the console anyway and that has to be one of the best game's i've ever played, it uses the wiimote very well and i would be suprised if you didnt like it

my mum and dad play it so......

i have never even heard of zack and wiki

but i completed zelda and although it doesnt use the wiimote all the time, i thiink it is definatly a game you should get, eg fishing is amazing!
Twilight Princess is a Fantastic game. A must have for anyone who is a Zelda fan.
Zelda hands down.

It doesnt use wiimote function fully but it does have some fun uses, aiming your bow and sword strokes.

and its an amazing game even on its own, and its a lot like the N64 one,
I've played many hours of Zach and Wiki with my girlfriend and yes we love it, she really loves it. The controls are ok in Zach and Wiki but it's not the most important part of the game; it's just comfortable for the most part.

Zelda is terrific and very long. My girlfriend really loved this game too but I basically had to play it because some of the later dexterity required intimidated her. It used the wiimote ok though. You do feel like you're using the Wii's new controls.

You will be happy with either game! Don't worry you did great.
if he loved N64 Zelda he will love this zelda. it uses the wiimote to an extent , no overkill which is good. it really immerses you in the game in my opinion. good pick! i wish my girlfriend would buy me a video game for an anniversary!!:sad:
or u can w8 a week n get Mario Galaxy ^^

but i like zelda its fun

dont no about zach and wiki doesnt suit my taste of gaming
i don't mean to insult people but games are not the kinds of things i associate as anniversary presents and past-time activities with your girlfriend/boyfriend; but hey! whatever floats your boat
No worries, you did great. I am sure he will be happy just to get the Wii especially since it comes with Wii Sports. Zelda will hold him over for awhile so no worries there :)

Plenty of good games coming out that would make great christmas presents as well. I haven't played Zack & Wiki but it looks like a great adventure/puzzle game.
mrguitar92 said:
i don't mean to insult people but games are not the kinds of things i associate as anniversary presents and past-time activities with your girlfriend/boyfriend; but hey! whatever floats your boat

Uh I bought the Wii specifically because it made gaming more social.
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Thanks everyone! I did give him Zelda and he was happy! We still plan on picking up Zack & Wiki sometime too!

And I agree with AustinAlan- we bought Wii for our family, neices, nephews so when people are over we can all play together. In addition - for our anniversary my husband got me a Spa Day - he wanted a Wii game - sooo is it weird I would get him what he wanted? I assume most guys on here would be happy if their wives got them a game for their system.....but just my assumption.

Anyway - Thank you ALL for your input - can't wait to watch him play zelda tonight!!!

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