New clan on the site! [SAS](Secret Assasin Shooters) are back in town!


Looking For {HS} Members
Dec 29, 2011
Barking, London
Wii Online Code
This is it. [SAS] is the hottest new clan looking for members. This clan is brand new so get any of ur mates that have Goldeneye 007 wii to join. Newbie or master, we will accept anyone. As me, the leader [$A$]Legend, I would like us to fight our way to the top as a clan and become the best. There are a lot of great clans out there like [SSM] but I really think we have a chance. If u join plz, if this is ur only clan, have a tag like [SAS] OR [$A$] somewhere in ur name. Here are the easy-to-follow rules:

1. No cursing, swearing or racial abusing of any kind, I will not tolerate that and u might be in risk of getting kicked out.

2. Friendship, honesty, respect... we need these values to achieve more as a clan.

3. You need to be commited 'cause we'll probably have regular clan matches against others.

So, come and have fun at my clan. We have a lot of respect for other clans too. Good luck. One more thing, even if you don't join the clan, you can still add me :).
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Hey im Dop3B0y on goldeneye and i was wondering can i join????? it sounds really level 56 and really want to join a clan...respond quik!
Hey im Dop3B0y on goldeneye and i was wondering can i join????? it sounds really level 56 and really want to join a clan...respond quik!-Dop3B0y
Just so u know DopeBoy has joined Z16, and not to be offensive or anything but from my experience this clan has a 13% chance of becoming successful. I've seen 5 clans die the entire time I've been here on wiichat
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yh sure u can join bro be my guest u just have to add me first my fc is 1063-3935-7391. Just gimme ur friendcode and addd me then ur a member :wink:

Just so u know DopeBoy has joined Z16, and not to be offensive or anything but from my experience this clan has a 13% chance of becoming successful. I've seen 5 clans die the entire time I've been here on wiichat

Insidous, I know about this and i no is tough. All or nothing. But as a clan, I want to try and guide us to the top. I really love ur clan too, because on friendcodes my cousin, ToxicZ16 is there.
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Yo Insidous, there is no reason Dop3b0y can't join [$A$] even tough he's in Z16

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