Need tips for boxing mini game


WiiChat Member
Dec 13, 2006
I have gold on all games except the boxing one where you have to hit your trainers hands. I find it really awkward. Usually I start OK (though slow) but eventually I get really frustrated coz I keep hitting my trainer's head and just start beating the crap out of him.

Is there some kind of trick or technique?
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The basic thing is to lean in the direction the trainers hand (whichever one you have to hit) and make sure your gloves r at the right height in order for you to hit them. That means you will have to adjust the height of your hands. Use the mii characters gloves as guidance and then i think you will be fine and the trainer wont get battered as much!!! :)
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cheers for that.

it is quite satisfying to beat him up, though :)

do you happen to know what score you need to get a gold? be good if i had a clear goal.

part of me doesn't want to pass it. I've enjoyed the mini games so much in wii sports. I dont want it to end.
yeah, i have trouble with the boxing training too. i end up either getting hit with a tennis ball or punching the trainer in the head and those noises that happen after that just make me laugh and then i cant concentrate and keep getting pegged by the ball or punching my trainer. funny stuff.

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