Need Help, On creepy lvl


WiiChat Member
Nov 20, 2006
Can someone help me out, im on the spot with the crazy guy. I have gone down the slope and now made my way back to it but cant figure out for the life of me how to get into the cars to take you back to the top of the hill. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have tried everything I can think of.
there is a spot to climb stairs to a platform and then get on the car (the penguin cars i assume). i think its not til the second time your in there though, or maybe i just redid it a lot. the green arrows always hide from me.
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Hmmmmm, I didnt see STAIRS any where. Yes im on the second time. Where exactly are the stairs located at?
First of, if you're on the bottom part, you can't go in the cars. You have to go up the slope where you have to battle a bit of snipers. As you reach the top, there's stairs around that vicinity if I remember correctly...
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Im pretty sure you have to use the cars as there are explosives on the slope.
you need to take out the two snipers below (where you are) and then snipe the two snipers (to the right of the top of the slope) and then run to the top of the slope, avoiding the explosives and then climb up some stairs and hop in a penguin where it will make a stop at your destination or a platform with ammo and heavy armour. :)
I had the same problem that you do and i solved it by unconventional means. once you have made jello out of the snipers, you can avoid the rabits by going up the escalator. The escalator is moving down so you will have to jump just at the moment you land with tour controll stick pointed forward so as to move in the air. This will take a while, but you will avoid the slope.
After you reach the top DONT DIE or you will have to go up all over again which takes a long time.

happy hunting

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