Need help locating Hyrule Lake

Jun 19, 2007
I have been trying for days now to locate Lake Hyrule. I have been to the castle and found the bar and lkistened to the soldiers etc. I have looked at the walk through and it tells me to come back out of the castle and turn left. this brings me back the way I came towards the beginning of the twilight. Midna will not let me go any further as i cannot leave the twilight. I have searched through all hyrule and cannot find the lake. I have also found to chests but cannot get. One is in a place with ruins on top of a column that I cannot get and one is down the steps under the bridge through some bars at the castle that I also cannot get. Please help...
:yikes: :mad2:
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How do I get there though. Sorry not sure if i'm being dumb but everywhere I go seems to be blocked off
You need to find a bridge and walk over it and then midna wil smell the oil on the ground and two fire arrows hit the edge of the oil. You wll see a box. Scoot it closer to the edge of the bridge. Get on the box and jump off the bridge. you will land in water. THE LAKE. but you need to get the lost water BACK into the "LAKE". Sorry but I am not telling you now. It's a whole different story:yesnod:
Billii said:
You need to find a bridge and walk over it and then midna wil smell the oil on the ground and two fire arrows hit the edge of the oil. You wll see a box. Scoot it closer to the edge of the bridge. Get on the box and jump off the bridge. you will land in water. THE LAKE. but you need to get the lost water BACK into the "LAKE". Sorry but I am not telling you now. It's a whole different story:yesnod:

lol i forgot about that part, its been so long since i played twilight
Billii said:
You need to find a bridge and walk over it and then midna wil smell the oil on the ground and two fire arrows hit the edge of the oil. You wll see a box. Scoot it closer to the edge of the bridge. Get on the box and jump off the bridge. you will land in water. THE LAKE. but you need to get the lost water BACK into the "LAKE". Sorry but I am not telling you now. It's a whole different story:yesnod:

Shouldn't you limit your spoilers? Part of the fun of a game is figuring things out. Sure let him know the Lake Hylia is on the eastern part of the map, and that you have to cross the bridge there, but don't explain how to get out of a situation like the fire. Learning how to get out of that was a fun experience for me.

Just an opinion, be careful about spoilers.
You have to leave the city to the east, then you have to follow a road.
There are two roads. One leads to the ruins and the columns ( the western road ) and the other leads to the big bridge above the Hylia Lake. When you get there, you have to do what Billii said. But to give you a clue what to do down there, there is a fat clown somewhere that you have to liste to by using the sense, before you can get the water back.
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Thanks everyone. :thumbsup: Found the lake, Was sure I checked on that section of the map and it wouldn;'t let me through previously. I was also told by someoine previously I needed to exit the left side of the castle. Never mind. Glad to be enjoying the game now. And Big Clown??? Didn't need that. I may need some more help with the light and the tears. I cannot figure out how to get into hyrule castle. Will keep trying for now until my patience wears out. :smilewinkgrin:
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Well getting on sound now. Just trying to protect Cart to Kakariko Village. Hard but getting there.
Sharkiness said:
Well getting on sound now. Just trying to protect Cart to Kakariko Village. Hard but getting there.

My sister nearly quit the game because of that part. It can be tough your first time through. especially if you let it get sidetracked alot of times.
One of the best missions in the game. It's a cool western flair, just like the mission at the ghost city where the cats will be afterwards (no [spoilers] here, because I think this only confuses him, but doesn't take anything away)
Secumfex said:
One of the best missions in the game. It's a cool western flair, just like the mission at the ghost city where the cats will be afterwards (no [spoilers] here, because I think this only confuses him, but doesn't take anything away)

Also one of the best musical themes in the game (the ghost town) right after Midna's Desperation

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