Need help deciding.


WiiChat Member
Dec 17, 2006
Michigan, USA
Wii Online Code
So I'm gonna get one of these as a gift from family, which one should I get?

1. Classic Controller - don't have one, only have sonic and gunstar heroes at the moment, but i have 2400 wii points, waiting for some better games to come out, might pick up R-Type III.

2. Wii Play - would have to ask for money and save up a little more. I have three remotes at the moment, and my friends don't play too much currently. My brother will get a wii eventually and he'll need a remote anyway, I really loved tanks when I when I played it at a friend's place but not much else. Just kind of want it eventually for the collection.

3. Charging station - I was planning on getting rechargable batteries though.

4. Wii Lan Adapter - not really needed, just worried about the default wi fi not being strong/fast enough when online comes.

Any advice? Thanks.
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Aye, but Im getting one free so I might as well pick one. If I really needed one the decision wouldn't require advice.
i have to use a gamecube controller so i recommend gettin the classic controller, it can be useful for games and it looks good:cool:
Instead of wii play, why not get another game>? Sounds like you're getting something for the sake of getting it, why not find something you know you will enjoy?
lilsam said:
Instead of wii play, why not get another game>? Sounds like you're getting something for the sake of getting it, why not find something you know you will enjoy?

you sound like my mom but it's true, what is the point of 4 wiimotes if your friends dont even play? and if you're gonna get wiiplay which is 50 dollars why not get a real game or a dog or something (dogs kick ass).

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