need advice from console collectors


semi-pro thumb jockey
May 13, 2007
Wii Online Code
I just lined up a Sega Genesis for a cool $15 :crazy: I'd like some tips for cleaning the carts, as I understand dirty carts are the no. 1 thing that kills old systems, plus any other tips for keeping them in good shape. Also interested in aquiring a NES and an Atari 2600. Is there a site that covers these things, or a member here who's been through it all before? Thanks, and btw first post in a very long time, missed you guys, later ....
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I just lined up a Sega Genesis for a cool $15 :crazy: I'd like some tips for cleaning the carts, as I understand dirty carts are the no. 1 thing that kills old systems, plus any other tips for keeping them in good shape. Also interested in aquiring a NES and an Atari 2600. Is there a site that covers these things, or a member here who's been through it all before? Thanks, and btw first post in a very long time, missed you guys, later ....
Ex collector here
Dont use any cleaning stuff on the inside of the carts!
To clean the innerds

The no1 thing that destroys old systems is people that dont look after them properly.
A dirty cart will just not work.

This site might be of interest
(It has a retro community that knows about things besides Nintendo)
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use rubbing alcohol on a q-tip if the metal contacts start to get bad sometimes they get a green build up
Thats only if there not stored correctly and in the wrong conditions
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It turns out that only ISOPROPHYL rubbing alcohol can be used. Now any second hand game store that knows what they're doing will clean the games but sometimes you might buy a game from someone who has no clue. Hmm ... answered my own question, it's amazing what you can learn at hobby shops. Anyway ...

More recently aquired a Game Boy Pocket for $5 WAHOO!!! :crazy: Now I've tried to get every last smudge away from the screen but it still has streaks. Any way I can get that screen flawlessly clear?
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More recently aquired a Game Boy Pocket for $5 WAHOO!!! :crazy: Now I've tried to get every last smudge away from the screen but it still has streaks. Any way I can get that screen flawlessly clear?
Baby wipes
I used them on my GP32 back when I got it
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That's a good idea, thanks Darkprinny. Only I have no other use for baby wipes ...

one more thing ...

I'm searching for easy to print instructions for the old games on Genesis, Game Boy, and other systems now that I'm serious about collecting them. Suggestions?
There is a few
Heres one

But if your collecting them you might want to get them with the real books

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