Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest for the Wii


WiiChat Member
Apr 8, 2007
Yo imagine if Nintendo came out with a game for the Wii on the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating contest. Now you may think this is stupid, so do I, I can't help but laugh thinking about this :lol: . Now you can't really eat, but the controls would focus on delivering food to the mouth or getting a drink. There would be a meter for the drink and if the bar was full, you'd need a drink. haha. Imagine like a rookie challenge for this, just like how they did it in the bigs. You'd go through contests and training trying to expand your stomach, and you have to place top three in each contest then in the last couple of contest, you need to place first.haha, I don't think many people would buy this game, but I'd buy for a good laugh. Imagine me, a rookie all the way to winning the Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest winning the Mustard Belt, haha :lol: In exhibition, you could pick one of the competitive eaters already in the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest, that's pretty funny, but everyone with pick Kobiyashi and after a couple of times, that would get boring. That would be pretty funny.

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