name the best wii games that our out

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thanks for telling me gabbiani i am going to give you rep for telling me what that guy ment and the reason i craeted this thread is so that i can figure out what games to get for my wii
Have a search quite a few threads made in past few days. Loads of suggestions in there that you may wish to check out.
I really don't understand what the big deal is. A forum should be an easy place to access discussion.

Anyone here ever seen the episode of Seinfeld "The Soup Nazi"?

Every day someone comes in the guy's shop and 'orders wrong' and he says NO SOUP FOR YOU. Very popular episode. Anyways, if you ever noticed how annoyed it made the characters who were 'shunned' you'd understand that it's a terrible way to behave.

Yes it can be construed as laziness not to search, but when a search feature is limited by the criteria it can search for, isn't it easier to simply ask a question that people could answer as opposed to finding the answer to a question already asked?

KISS -- Keep it simple stupid.

Don't be rude, if you have the time to reply to a post with "use search" you have the time to actually respond with a valid answer.

freek -- I'd tell you to get Twilight Princess for sure, it's a great game, and past that, I wouldn't know what to tell you, I haven't found a game yet that I like besides that... though later this year alot of good games are hopefully coming out :]

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