NA downloads for Jan 24 & 31


semi-pro thumb jockey
May 13, 2007
Wii Online Code
castlezelda missed a couple of these, in his defense, he doesn't post for a living! all of these games can be looked up on youtube, i hate copy and paste, so by all means look them up if you like.

btw i encourage our international members to start posting their own updates, it would really add some flash to the site.

Jan 24th:

Wiiware: Jam City Rollergirls 1000 pts

Wiiware demos: Furry Legends and Fish 'em All (free)

Virtual Console: 1942 800 pts- this one i reccomend for 'retro appeal' if you like little plane shooters......

Black tiger 800 pts- compared to ghosts 'n' goblins, also looks good.

Jan 31th:

Wiiware: Magic Destiny 500 pts -something to do with astrology..........

Wiiware demos: Racers' Island: Crazy Racers and Zombie Panic in Wonderland (free)

...and a bunch of dsiware that we were never in the habit of reporting before. also should mention it seems nintendo no longer does updates every single week, as long as they release quality vc now and then i really couldn't care less....
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-skidmarx-and to everyone else on wiichat.

I apologize for missing my weekly Monday posts, i make it my duty every Monday to post VC, wiiware news but i've been slacking. You see i bought a ps3 the first week of this month with the game Dante's Inferno, so i'm sorry but now the start of next month i'm gonna try my darnest to keep up on the Monday posts, i promise i will keep back to it next month guys and gals.

I'm truly sorry people.

-Castlevania A.K.A Tyler
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sorry? it's no big deal i don't mind being a substitute player for ya :)

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