MysticPez Joins the Forum


The Brit, Nintendo 4 life
Jan 26, 2010
United Kingdom
Wii Online Code
Hey there, I'm MysticPez, yeah i'm new but i know how Forums work i've already joined a few, well i'm here to....well use the forum by posting and also give advice to other new people... also i want to try and get Friend Codes for some of my games i own such as Brawl, CoD: WaW, MW:R, that stuff.

Anyway down to business.
i'm 17, Nintendo Fanboy for life (trust me on that) Major Sonic Fan too. Been Gming since the age of 5. Anything you want to know about me let me know and thats about it really, so hope I enjoy it here. Bye.

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  • #5
One question. What's your friend code for Modern Warfare Reflex and would you like to join BlackHawksFinest?
I left My Freindcode on the Modern Warfare: Reflex Friend Codes, its my Cod stats too

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