My Wii


WiiChat Member
Dec 6, 2006
Right well first of all I'd like to say Iv'e literally just got my Wii and am finding it good. Good. Did anyone else expect the Wii to be better than it is? More fun. That kind of "Oh damn, I'm never getting off this" kind of expectation and then find out it's not like that. It's very good, I agree, it's just theres something about it, something holding it back and am waiting for the big gasp to really show off the Wii's features .. or has everyone had that already? I first of all played Zelda as my first game. It's going alright, I love the Zelda games and everything, it's just that on the Wii it doesn't feel right because with the Wii you'd want games that really unleash it's full potential and with Zelda you wing gently from side to side to swing your sword and have no real control over it. Does anybody get me? Maybe it's just me, or the fact that I only have like a 14 inch CRT tv to play it on that I want to, or perhaps it may be the fact that my scart extension cable is interferring with the audio making it very quiet. Also, I have just got Red Steel, and to be honest it's going better than Zelda simply because it's using the controller more to aim, although it's very difficult. So it's really using the Wii to it's full potential more than Zelda. Btw is Red Steel a very good game once you get used to the controls?

Another thing is the controller speaker. Does anybody find it that extra little more thats nice, or kind cheapy-ish in a way? Because I'm not sure what to think.

Thanks alot in advance and am hoping this thread will change my opinion of the Wii for the better!
i dont have the wii yet, but what your feeling is probably becuase your new to the wiimote. get used to it first :)
I thought the controller speaker would sound like one of those cheap lightsabres that you can buy.

In a is but it is really cool and adds a new dimension

As for the slight dissapointment you feel.. it was probably caused by the hype leading up to its release.
when you reload your weapon and hear the "chaching" noise you'll feel happy inside.

some of the noises are meh, alot are very well done though.
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Seibar said:
when you reload your weapon and hear the "chaching" noise you'll feel happy inside.

some of the noises are meh, alot are very well done though.

lol yep it is a pretty good feeling. Also, does anybody notice that sometimes the aimer on the screen jolts a hell of alot outof place? It's really annoying!

Also, are aot of people pleased with Red Steel once they got used to the aim?

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