"music & Videos Played On Wii Internet Channel"


Dec 31, 2007
Yes! Music!!you can play your own music! and videos! right over the wii internet. plays all your own songs and videos straight from your files,to the computer,you can share with others and is a free site too,,i garentee you will like it! go to www.orb.com/winamp/ i hope you all enjoy this program like i am right now.:smilewinkgrin: Keep up the good work Nintendo!
This sounds cool cause i'm on my wii internet right this second! It's amazing, truely amazing!
Orb has been out for ages

You download the program and make an account
Then you open the program on your PC
Log on the site on your Wii
Your done
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yes its easy to register an Account their, then follow the next step for downloading ORB free program.
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once you have registered and all,what i do is right click on any music or video on main computer and right click to send to: windows media players add to play list and thats about all i do for transfers.
Aww, Wii internet only? I got so excited :(
Hopefully by next year I'll have fully operational internet.
The only thing is that you have to have the "Orb Host" computer running constantly so that the Wii can access the music. I have a laptop that stays in my bag a lot, so this isn't a good option for me.

Plus, I tried Orb, and I had so much trouble with it. It only recognized some of my music, and some of those wouldn't even play. And it made the browser on my Wii lock up a few times.
We desperately just need a hard drive option and a Media Player Channel. C'mon Nintendo!!

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