MP3'S on excite truck not working!!


WiiChat Member
Feb 21, 2007
I brought excite truck and i found out u could put ur own music on it using SD Card...:thumbsup: i put music on my SD card and then inserted it into my Wii. i went on the sound menu and then chose the song i wanted.. and then my wii froze.. so i left it for a bit and it was still froze... then i took the sd card out and it was working back to normal and then i put the SD card in again and it froze again... anyone got any ideas?:confused:
i cant give an answer as i havent got this game, but things i would think of -

do the mp3s need to be in a certain folder for the game to play them back in the game? what bitrates does it support? id3 tags causing interference with the game indexing the songs?

like i say i havent got the game, maybe someone who has will give light on the subject
Or maybe simply the format? Does the game require them specifically in MP3? Maybe they are in avi or mpeg?
They are meant to be MP3's.

I'm getting this game tomorrow, so I don't have it, but I would suggest you give another SD card a shot, or try some other songs.

It might even be that something went wrong when transferring the songs to the SD card. Maybe try copying them onto it again. Format the SD card as a last resort.
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Thanks for everyones help
Ill try my best to get it working :aureola:
hopefully it will:cool:
I've had the game for 3 months now, played it with my very own MP3s and it worked fine.

Most of the MP3s were 44.1khz sample rate w/ 128kbit, some were of higher bit rates, some were variable bit rates (VBR), some were of higher sample rates, and they all played without any problems.

Like lee.jarratt has stated, not all SD cards are compatible with the Wii. Check here:

Why not give specs of both the SD card, is it formatted (Mac/FAT/FAT32/NTFS/other) and what are the sample+bit rates of the MP3 files and whether or not they have DRM locks. Then some of us could test to see if we're experiencing the same problems with near idenitcal specs to yours.
I also play MP3's with my ExciteTruck. The only issue (which I believe is a known one), is that I have several hundred MP3's on my SD card, but the Wii only sees the first 100.

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