More studio support for Wii Ware


Let There Be Rock
Oct 24, 2007
Wii Online Code
Canadian studio XGen to make games for Nintendo's downloadable platform

Another studio has proclaimed its support for Nintendo's upcoming WiiWare games platform, with Canada's XGen gaining approved Nintendo developer status and the commencement of a new title for the service.

XGen is very familiar with games for a casual audience, having developed games for 's Pogo Network, MTV, Miniclip, and Channel4. It's WiiWare title is based on an existing game the team has built, but using the Wiimote.

Said Skye Boyes, president, XGen Studios: "We're taking advantage of the creative freedom afforded by WiiWare to bring fans a captivating co-op game, with great competitive elements and irresistibly charming art direction."

"We can't wait to show fans what we're building," added Jordan Dubuc, director of operations for XGen Studios. "The jump-in, jump-out casual style appeals to a broad audience for both quick and extended play sessions."

a great news for wiiware
link :
Hmmm probably wont give us anything to look forward to. Unless your in to the capcom like flash games.
NO f'n way, Xgen?! AWESOME!. just if they make games i'ma send them death threats. Stick RPG2 has been in production for over 5 years... im sure if they actually worked on it they could get it done in you know, a few monthes now?

WiiWare is swiftly approaching it's expected release two months from now and with a whole host of developers declaring it's interesting in the service we'd expect some more to becoming out of the workshop during the next two months with the latest being the Canada based developers Xgens Studios. Heard of them? Probably not as they are a web-based flash game developer.

The Company hasn't specified what game or date, they merely said that it will most likely be out there during the service launch.

At first view this announcement may seem strange, a flash developer moving onto the revolutionary new systems downloadable service? However for Xgen this move makes a lot of sense. The company has made browser games for a whole host of sites such as EA and MTV, both high profile companies. Many of the companies already exsistent games are Wii-Browser compatible and have been big hits with one of the most notable being '3d logic' a puzzle game that has you drawing lines across a 3d cube. Xgen also noted that they may well be porting one of their multiplayer titles to work with the Wii controller.

Reported and written by; Cpt.McCloud

Xgen Studios Game Library

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