Missed Opportunity


WiiChat Member
Aug 3, 2006
Do you think that Nintendo missed the opportunity to crush the PS3? I just read this article.


I was interested to see that the PS3 will have 2,000,000 units by the year's end (projected). The Wii will have 4,000,000 (although this is changing or has changed).

I think Nintendo's strength was in the price and availability. I know 2,000,000 isn't 4,000,000 but it doesn't seem to be too bad. I also realize that the price is quite a bit different.

On the other hand, Sony (as I have read) slashed the price of the console in Japan (although not the USA). This is war. I don't think Sony is as foolish or weak as we have been speculating.

I've also seen a number of polls indicating the PS3 to have the advantage (I have no doubt Sony could have connections with Enterbrain, and I know polls/research are tricky things).


In my opinion, Nintendo needed to crush Sony while the giant was staggering, before it could recover. To punch the giant in the nose while it still was dizzy. It didn't. How did it miss?

It didn't release before the PS3. Already the number of consoles produced by Nintendo number in the millions. Why not have offered an earlier release? Part of the demand of the Nintendo relies upon the lack of available PS3's. The longer they wait, the more they lose. Nintendo probably could have released in October with at least 2,000,000 console units.

Nintendo decided to go with a profit on each machine (albeit a relatively small profit) while the other PS3 was willing to take a loss on consoles sold (even more in Japan). Nintendo could have dropped a few bucks on the console and knocked peoples socks off with a $199.99 price tag (Wow! That looks awesome!).

So, not that I'm attacking the Wii. I still love it. Want it and am going to buy it.

But I think a lower price, an earlier release, and better communication with the retailers about numbers available (for preorder concerns) would have really socked it to Sony.

Now, I feel as though Sony is regaining its footing. That the giant is getting off its knees and Nintendo is going to be kicking itself for losing the opportunity.

I don' t think they looked at this as a war as they should have. There can't be two number ones. That would be eleven. There are a finite number of gamers. The market will get saturated. When would the PS3 be least available? Before it released.


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PS3 was not projected to be in the millions, I heard 400,000 and that's it. Nintendo will win the console war. Period. I don't think PS3 is regaining anything. Especially not since they lowered some important specs on the machine. A lot of people are upset with this.
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Well . . .

Sabin said:
PS3 was not projected to be in the millions, I heard 400,000 and that's it. Nintendo will win the console war. Period. I don't think PS3 is regaining anything. Especially not since they lowered some important specs on the machine. A lot of people are upset with this.

I just read in the link I provided that the number is projected to be at 2,000,000 by years end. That's not bad . . . . There seem to be some contradicting sources.

I'm just speculating. I would have said that Nintendo would win the console war period not too long ago. I just think there have been many missed opportunities. Just trying to be objective.


JeremyDay said:
I just read in the link I provided that the number is projected to be at 2,000,000 by years end. That's not bad . . . . There seem to be some contradicting sources.

I'm just speculating. I would have said that Nintendo would win the console war period not too long ago. I just think there have been many missed opportunities. Just trying to be objective.



I certainly appreciate the objective post, debate is always good :).
If PS3 does in fact have that many units available, that would certainly give them a better chance, however, I don't believe that source to be true. I guess we shall see
Um, who cares what other people think? Do I care if some guy or quite a few guys think Wii will fail? NO! Another thing, what is this about a "#1 console"?

There are games that I will surely want on Xbox 360 and PS3, but obviously I won't be playing those very soon because I don't have that kind of money. However when I do, and when the PS3 really goes down in price and shows it has a worth while list of games, I'll buy it.

If a winner is what you want, while I hate to say this is a win/lose kind of thing, it would be Wii. Why? Because it's a companion system for many people. A companion to their other next-gen console (either Xbox 360 or PS3). It's so cheap compared to the others, people will undoubtebly buy one, unless they're one of those people who hate the Wii, but then again those type of people are the kind that generally only play sports games and sports games are pretty much lame, so who cares.

Just to say though, I agree that Nintendo should have launched Wii in mid-October for $200.
I think that an early push from Nintendo is the best thing. And I would love to hear that Nintendo is dropping the price to BELOW $199.99USD, $229.99CDN and respectivly in other countries. They can still be profitable with a slight price drop.

If they are able to get enough Wiis manufactured a price drop should happen a week or two before christmas. If they are experiencing a shortage like PS3, then they should have a price drop when supplies are available.
(The launch price should remain at $250USD and $280CDN because this will allow profits from people who are willing to pay the price)

Cause if Nintendo is able to get these consoles into every home, they can get much more support from developers. The bottom line for most gamers isn't the HighDef or Hardware, but the games that they can enjoy.

I'd personnaly like to see games like NHL 2008, Kingdom Hearts Series, etc. migrate to Wii. So what ever makes Wiis sell stronger, Im all for it. And I hope that Nintendo makes right informed decisions about selling Wii.
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