We’ve all been waiting a very long time for this week, but now finally Metroid: Other M is here. Well, if you live in the US that is – fans in other parts of the world will have to be just a little bit more patient, with the UK and Europe getting to experience Samus Aran’s latest epic this Friday September 3rd.

Your adventure as legendary heroine Samus Aran begins when you pick up a mysterious distress signal. Landing your spaceship and boarding the decommissioned facilities that the signal leads you to throws you headfirst into a truly gripping storyline. Combining frantic 2D platforming action with the ability to switch to a first-person viewpoint at will and instantly see the action through Samus’s eyes, Metroid: Other M is a whole new type of Metroid game, although it retains the deep sense of atmosphere and emphasis on exploration that helped make the series so iconic and so successful, selling over 15 million units worldwide.

When they finally get their hands on the long-awaited game, fans both old and new can expect new moves, weapons, environments and characters, as well as the chance to finally find out more about the woman behind the battle suit. Here’s Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing, talking about the game:
“Immersive action and storytelling go hand-in-hand in Metroid: Other M. The combination of Mr. Sakamoto’s Metroid expertise and Team NINJA’s high-octane approach has yielded truly amazing results. Whether you’re new to the series or a die-hard fan, this new chapter is an absolute must-play.”