meta knight. a clone or not a clone?


Darkness Within!!!!!!!!!
Aug 30, 2006
i think meta knight is a clone of kirby because of this picture but his A move and his B move is different to kirby.

do you think his a clone or not a clone?
we discussed this earlier on and I think that he will not be a clone. Why would they put more clones in if they are trying to remove clones from the Melee game? Just doesnt make sense.
hmmm, i sure hope not. maybe like his kick moves but he'll probably have alot or new sword moves. he should be awesome! :D
BboyKnockout said:
yea true. yay! :D but wat about that kick in the pic above? o_O
What about the kick?!? even though the kick is almost the same as kirbys dosn't mean its a clone...ok for example and il let figure it out for yourself...print that picture and then play SSBM and use kirby and do the same kick, while kirby is doing the kick pause the game and examin both of'll see a diffrence (and no its not the looks of the characters)
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Demon Slayer said:
What about the kick?!? even though the kick is almost the same as kirbys dosn't mean its a clone...ok for example and il let figure it out for yourself...print that picture and then play SSBM and use kirby and do the same kick, while kirby is doing the kick pause the game and examin both of'll see a diffrence (and no its not the looks of the characters)

what about the kick? it is the same of kirbys kick.
i think the only different things about kirby and meta knight is there
B: because meta knight doesnt suck people up.
A: because in the trailer meta knight cuts people with his sword.
My lord people. A kick is a frickin kick. And seeing they are the same size they're going to kick the same way. And it would seem as though Metanight has this thing called a saying hes a clone of Kirby is sooooo messed up...Metanight is way to cool to be ammounted to Kirby's level.

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