Memory Question?


WiiChat Member
Jul 30, 2007
HI All,

Im new to the Wii Community/forum. Just set system up last night, had a blast playing..

Is it important to get a memory card for all the games out there, or is there internal memory on the sytem itself.
IF i need to purchase the memory should i go for the 2g card ?

there is internal memory but if u can use an sd card i guess but ucan buy 1 from gamestop but wii is soo fun has alot more stuff loading time faster more memory then gamecube so you should be okay
The wii has enough memory my friend. Should have read through the manual or something though but oh well.

It has tons of space, and I think one game takes up one block or so, don't quote me on that, but if that is the case I don't see you playing 2000 games, so your ok.
the only reason you would really need a sd card for is if you want to have a lot of VC games. Mind you the thing about the virtual console games is that once you buy it you always have it. so even if you delete a VC game you can redownload it off the site free of charge. the only other reason i can see for getting a SD card is if you want to take your save files over to your firends house.

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