Medal of Honor Heroes 2 Problems

Mr. person

Warhammer 40k is the best
Jun 22, 2007
over the rainbow
things that are really weird keep happening when i play MoH Heroes 2.....

1.the cursor keeps spazing out for some reason, even though it worked perfectly fine in the main menu (the screen where u pick a channel)

2.the Nazis go through walls on the sewer stage

.....and number 1 happens mostly when i am in deep combat

anyone else have this problem because at this point im totally pissed off
o_O havent had that happen to me maybe its scratched or something , if you have the receipt exchange it for a new copy.
try modding your controls. your aiming sensitivity might be too high.
this happened to me and i was really confused for awile and then i realized the lights from my christmas tree were screwing up the motion sensing.....probably isnt whats wrong in your case but its possible
ha, happens to me sometimes...I just readjust my positioning relative to the sensor and make sure there arent any high beam lights on. it always happened to me when Im in online combat, and it just looks like my character is having a seizure or something...and I even saw one of my teammates watching me after I respawned still with the tremors, like what the hell?! ha
Haha, Philly! Dude, same thing happened to my friend. We were playing MOH:Vanguard in his living room, and his tree was lit up extreamly bright. The controls went insane. Funny that happened to both of us.:lol:

And for your second problem...Thats just a funny glitch* that the game came with. It's just for that one spot though.

* I dont even know if that's a real glitch or the game was made like that...:scared:
Phillysoul said:
this happened to me and i was really confused for awile and then i realized the lights from my christmas tree were screwing up the motion sensing.....probably isnt whats wrong in your case but its possible
Yea the lights from the Christmas Tree happened to me too. At first I thought it was the Glass Ball things, I thought they were deflecting the Sensor making the Wii believing it was in many spots at one time. But maybe it was the lights....
never play moh:h2 with your sensetivity on the wii menu over 3. it will make it way to sensetive. the reason why is because the game uses a lot of motion controls, so it needs a higher sensetivity during the game but you should not make it too high.

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