Marvel Pinball Game Announced for Wii U


Super Moderator
Jul 7, 2011
ZEN Studios and Marvel Entertainment announced at the Marvel Video Games panel at San Diego ComicCon last week that Marvel Pinball will be coming to the Wii U by the end of 2012. The game has already been a huge hit with Marvel fans on a variety of other platforms, including PS3 and Xbox 360. Although ZEN and Marvel have yet to announce what tables will be available for the Wii U version, fans can rest assured that the original game stays true to the essence of each Marvel Super Hero, with each table being designed from the game up to capture the personality and insignia of each character. Each table also features instantly recognisable objects and moments from the world of Marvel, as the player does battle to take down Super Villains and unlock a plethora of game play modes. Among the character tables featured in the original game are Captain America, Iron Man, Blade, Wolverine, Fantastic Four and Spider-Man. Can’t wait to see them on the Wii U and especially to see how they're adapted to work with the touch-screen controller. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Source: [/FONT]ZEN Studios Ltd.
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Metroid pinball with fancy graphics... :shifty:

If the price on this ever goes absolute moot ($10 or something), and I do get a WiiU, I might grab this, though. Haven't played a great pinball game since said Metroid Pinball, which I've since sold.

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