Mario Kart Wii


WiiChat Member
Jan 19, 2011
Wii Online Code
I'm getting Mario Kart Wii tonight!!! My nephew will be extremely happy. We've been playing Mario Kart on the N64 and he will be so surprised when he finds this out. Usually when he comes over, we play Brawl or Mario Sports Mix on the Wii, but now we have a brand new game!
Heh, you and your Nephew are gonna have a blast with Mario Kart Wii. If you thoroughly enjoy the aged Mario Kart 64 still, MK Wii should be quite the fun upgrade.

To be honest, after playing MK Wii I couldn't go back to playing 64. :lol: MKW is just so much better, lol. Smoother controls, the tracks are crazier and more fun than before (along with a ton of the old tracks with upgraded graphics), and all that jazz.
i definately agree with CK. N64 and Wii are a huge difference... you'll like Wii alot more :p
since you're just getting it.. tell me your friend request and i'll add you, then i'll tell you mine. Not your wii fc, but your mario kart wii friend code, which is located when you connect to WFC and go to friends, or simply when you start the game, it will be on your license. Have fun with MKWii.
The cool thing about all the mario games on wii you can play 2 player online and with the DS you can do local connection and only 1 player has to have the game.Long live Mario
The cool thing about all the mario games on wii you can play 2 player online and with the DS you can do local connection and only 1 player has to have the game.Long live Mario

Very, very true. That makes it fun if you want to play online with a friend or some relatives, because as most of us know, online is much funner than GP or any of that nonsense.
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I agree with Salcedo. I love the online aspect of the Mario games. It takes Mario to a new level and adds onto the ever expanding evolution as outlined here

Keep gaming!:rolleyes5:
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