Mario Kart Wii


WiiChat Member
Feb 2, 2007
I am a huge fan of the Mario Kart series and was wondering if anyone has heard anything about them making it for Wii. I searched on google but couldn't find anything much. Also, if anyone has heard anything about its release date (if it does exist), that would be awsome.
Release date is unknown but it should only be 2-3 more years.

And sense everyone wants to know, even though it's obvious.

Yes it'll use the wii-remote.
Yes it'll have online support.
And yes to all your other logical thoughts:cornut:
Mario kart 64 is available for download now on Wii virtual console... thats it so far
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StevenNevets said:
Release date is unknown but it should only be 2-3 more years.

And sense everyone wants to know, even though it's obvious.

Yes it'll use the wii-remote.
Yes it'll have online support.
And yes to all your other logical thoughts:cornut:

ONLY 2-3 more years?!

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