Mario and Sonic Lost all my saved data


very low idiot tolerance
Aug 18, 2007
anyone else had, or can explain this? The wife's really annoyed because her brilliant 100m times have gone, plus we have to unlock all the other events all over again.
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mini76 said:
Are you sure you have not just changed user ?.

yeah sure. when the game loads up and you're presented with the screen where you choose what data to load it was blank.
Hi, I had the same problem... twice :)
It's very annoying me... we have to start again from scratch.... al the unlocked games are lost.... does anybody have any solution?

If it happens frequently to more than one copy of the game it might be a bug, If it you can't find a solution or hear about more people having the same problem contact nintendo, if they are already aware of it you might get a replacement...


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