Making a Picture a Link


Feb 19, 2007
Wii Online Code
Is there a way I could use my signature picture as a link to a page (within Wiichat) and if there is could someone tell me how (preferably a mod.). Thankyou.
you mean if you click on your sig, it will direct you to this site? (or any other forum you use your sig on)
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Yes, so if somebody clicks the link, it will take them to a page within WiiChat.
which page exactly? ilke your profile?

because from my understandings, youre only allowed to have ONE URL and i dont think youre allowed to have anything embedded. so my guess is that i0n wouldnt allow it but then again its not really advertising, its within the own site.

its kind of a double edged sword here. hmmm.... :idea:
nope...don't think BBcode can do it.

and i0n disabled ALL html. and you'd be screwed even if you could do that. He barely allows wiichat references

ETA @ Jill....WE are not allowed any urls. Don't know about the supers though. are you thinking of ? Because you guys can only smile....
well heres the thing brawny, hes not advertising and most links that are in www. format, are clickable. so if he used his sig to be clickable as one continuesly large URL or something.......its just going directly to wiichat so what difference would it make?

the problem is is that i0n disabled it but i can still by pass it on mod cp. hense why my sig is so long and why you and i are the only 2 people with smilies in their page and more than one pic (IE smilie and sig)
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It's fine, I can live without it. Thank you for the help.
no problem, i apologize. if you want stick around and see if i0n replies.

i0n disallowed any www and any .com/net/org in the sig box.... Even italics and bold often don't work...

this is all the last time I checked though. Might be from my messed profile.
for regular members like YOU it is but achem....not for me :ihih:
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How does he have a smiley in his signature? Can you give eh..."grants" to members that want things in there signatures that usually only moderators can have? That's pretty neat. :)
lol....stop right now.... or you go kabammmm....

he he....I like being the only other member atm.....

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