Magic Obelisk Confirmed for WiiWare 28th December*-1.052009-12-23 08:00:45dascrow

Game Arts has today announced that action-adventure game The Magic Obelisk will be available on WiiWare in North America on 28th December 2009. This represents the first original title to be released in ten years by the Japanese developer.

The game has over 30 stages, with a storyline that features a tree spirit called Lukus who has the ability to turn himself into a tree.* His main wish is to find the perfect spot to take root and then use his powers for good to help people around the world. Kind of like the tree version of Miss World. However, Lukus can only move in the shadows, so it’s your job to help him by taking control of Popo, a light spirit who can create shadows by shining his light near the mysterious Magic Obelisks.
By following Lukus on his journey, players will get to experience a vibrant fantasy world, where they must overcome obstacles, solve puzzles and meet new characters, both friendly and not so friendly.

As you can see from the screenshots, the game reflects Game Arts’*dedication to a fresh “story book”* look for the game.
“It has certainly been a long time coming, but we’re very pleased to give North American gamers a chance to play The Magic Obelisk, a game that has been truly a labor of love for us,” said Kazuki Morishita, president of Game Arts. “It is our goal to bring players not only addictive gameplay, but also an emotional response to characters and their dependence on one another.”
The Magic Obelisk will be available for download for 500 Wii Points from 28th December 2009 in the North American store.